Y1/2 Lesson 1 (Cycle B): Money

Learning about what money is and where it comes from.

Learning objective

  • Learning about what money is, where it comes from and how people make money

Statutory guidance

  • The National Curriculum states that ‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)’

Success criteria

Cross-curricular links

Before the lesson

Download classroom resources

Attention grabber

Main event


Pupils needing extra support:

Year 1: Use the Writing frame – support version to support their writing.

Year 2: Can also use the Writing frame – support version to support their writing.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Year 1: They could write two ways of getting money in their story and compare them.

Year 2: Write a story about a child finding or stealing money and include a moral message. They could also write two ways of getting money in their story and compare them.

Wrapping up

Assessing pupils' progress and understanding


Created by:
Kapow Primary, 
RSE & PSHE specialist
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