Unit 5: India (Instrumental lessons)

Learning and understanding the history and key features of Bollywood films, how ambient sounds can be used to enhance a film score, practising staff notation and performing a film sequence using instruments and movement.


Lesson 1: Introduction to Bollywood

To understand the history and key features of Bollywood films

Lesson 2: Cityscape

To understand how ambient sounds can be used to enhance a film score

Lesson 3: Indian fantasy

To identify performance markings on staff notation and apply these to my performance

Lesson 4: Harmony

To understand the concept of harmony

Lesson 5: Film sequence

To perform a film sequence using instruments and movement

Key skills

Year 3

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Key knowledge

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Unit resources

Assessment – Instrumental KS2: India

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Music: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching Music

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National curriculum mapping

This National curriculum coverage mapping document

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Music: Pupil progression of skills

Progression document showing how skills and

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An assessment tool for monitoring the

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Equipment list

A list of essential and optional

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Music teacher skills videos

A collection of teacher skills videos

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