Lesson 4: Debugging instructions (Washing hands)

The children follow instructions as part of learning to wash their hands and learn to give simple instructions

Before the lesson

Learning objectives

  • To follow instructions as part of practical activities and games and to learn to debug when things go wrong
  • To learn to give simple instructions
  • To learn that an algorithm is a set of instructions to carry out a task, in a specific order

EYFS outcomes

Communication and language 

  • Use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities, and to explain how things work and why they might happen.


Personal, social and emotional development

  • ELG: Self-regulation: Give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity, and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.


Physical development

  • Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing
  • Further develop the skills they need to manage the school day successfully


Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Active learning
  •  Creating and thinking critically


Outcomes taken from Development Matters, 2021. 

ELGs taken from the new statutory framework for the EYFS, 2021.


Teacher notes

Key vocabulary

Prompts for learning


Next steps

  • To learn that an algorithm is a set of instructions to carry out a task, in a specific order.
  • To use logical reasoning to read simple instructions and predict the outcome.
  • Make a note of any specific next steps for individual children.
Created by:
Sophie Pickles,  
Computing specialist
Sophie is an expert Early Years consultant. She has spent many years both teaching in Reception and leading, in her role of Head of Early Years and senior manager at an outstanding-rated, child-led setting. Sophie now works with many national educational…
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