Design & Technology: Key Stage 1

KS1 Design and technology lesson plans and resources. Full National curriculum coverage. Including teacher videos to help you to teach Design and technology with confidence.

Choose your unit - Year 1 and Year 2

Kapow Primary's topics are based on the D&T Association's Projects on a Page themes, with pupils' skills and knowledge being developed across five key areas: structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, cooking and nutrition and textiles. Units can be taught within any order within the year group, as progression builds upon learning from the previous year.

Year 1

Mechanisms: Making a moving story book

Explore slider mechanisms and the movement they output, to design, make and evaluate a moving storybook from a range of templates.

Structures: Constructing a windmill

Inspired by the song, ‘Mouse in a windmill’, design and construct a windmill for a client (mouse) to live in. Explore various types of windmill, how they work and their key features.

*New* Structures: Constructing a windmill

Our refreshed Y1 structures unit including a new windmill design and different user for the product.

Textiles: Puppets

Explore methods of joining fabric. Design and make a character-based hand puppet using a preferred joining technique, before decorating.

Example theme: Storybook character. Alternative theme: Easter animals.

Mechanisms: Wheels and axles

Learn about the key parts of a wheeled vehicle, to develop an understanding of how wheels, axles and axle holders work. Design and make a moving vehicle.

*New* Cooking and nutrition: Smoothies

Our refreshed Y1 cooking and nutrition unit including opportunities for children to learn food preparation skills and greater emphasis on taste testing and ingredient choices.

Archived unit: Cooking and nutrition: Fruit and vegetables

Learn to distinguish between fruit and vegetables and where they grow. Design a fruit and vegetable smoothie and accompanying packaging.

Year 2

Mechanisms: Fairground wheel

Design and create a functional Ferris wheel, learn how different components fit together so that the wheel rotates and the structure stands freely.

*New* Cooking and nutrition: Balanced diet

Our refreshed Y2 cooking and nutrition unit including opportunities for children to learn about the importance of a balanced diet and use that knowledge to create a tasty wrap.


Mechanisms: Making a moving monster

Explore levers, linkages and pivots through existing products and experimentation, use this research to construct and assemble a moving monster.

Example theme: Moving monster. Alternative theme: Easter – Mechanical animals

Structures: Baby Bear’s chair

Explore stability and methods to strengthen structures, to understand Baby Bear’s chair weaknesses and develop an improved solution for him to use.

Textiles: Pouches

Learn how to sew a running stitch ready to design, make and decorate a pouch using a template.

Archived unit: Cooking and nutrition: A balanced diet

Learn about the food groups (carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables, dairy, oils and spreads) to understand a balanced diet to develop a healthy wrap.

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