Building relationships: Special relationships

In this unit, children are learning to explore why families and special people are valuable, understand why it is important to share and develop strategies, see themselves as valuable individual and explore diversity through thinking about similarities and differences.

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Lesson 1: My family

Discussing families, why we love ours and understanding that all families are valuable and special.

Learning Objective

To talk about our families. To understand that all families are valuable and special.

Lesson 2: Special people

Identifying people who are special to us through discussion and drawing and thinking about what it means to be a valued person.

Learning Objective

To talk about people that hold a special place in children’s lives and think about what it means to be a valued person.

Lesson 3: Sharing

Learning the importance of sharing with others and strategies for doing so, through role play activities and discussion.

Learning Objective

To understand why it is important to share and cooperate with others. To develop strategies to help when trying to share with others.

Lesson 4: I am unique

Learning to see themselves as valuable individuals and understanding that it is a positive thing to enjoy and like different things to others.

Learning Objective

To see themselves as a valuable individual. To understand that it is ok to like different things.

Lesson 5: My interests

Exploring how they see themselves as individuals through discussion, drawing and sharing their interests in pairs, as a group, and as a class.

Learning Objective

To see themselves as a valuable individual. To share their interests with the group.

Lesson 6: Similarities and differences

Exploring diversity through activities and discussion about similarities and differences and understanding that we are all unique.

Learning Objective

To explore diversity through thinking about similarities and differences.

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