Y1/2: Citizenship (Cycle B)

This unit hub can be used to inform your medium term plan and to navigate to related resources.


Y1/2 Lesson 1 (Cycle B): Rules

To begin to understand the importance of rules

Y1/2 Lesson 2 (Cycle B): Similar, yet different

To begin to recognise ways in which we are the same and different to other people

Y1/2 Lesson 3 (Cycle B): Caring for others: Animals

To understand that animals have different needs and how to care for them

Y1/2 Lesson 4 (Cycle B): The needs of others

To begin to understand the needs of babies and young children

Y1/2 Lesson 5 (Cycle B): Democratic decisions

To begin to understand how democracy works

Y1/2 Lesson 6 (Cycle B): School council

To begin to understand how democracy works in school

Y1/2 Lesson 7 (Cycle B): Giving my opinion

To understand ways to share an opinion

Key skills

  • Discussing how to meet

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Key knowledge

  • To know that different

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Key vocabulary



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Unit resources

Assessment RSE & PSHE Y1/2: Cycle B – Citizenship

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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An assessment spreadsheet to record teacher

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Knowledge Organiser: RSE & PSHE – Y1 Citizenship

Aimed at pupils, a single page

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Knowledge organiser

Aimed at pupils, a single page

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Subject resources

Mixed-ageCurriculum planningKnowledge and skills progression

Progression document showing how skills and

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How to teach RSE & PSHE to a mixed-age class

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Mixed-ageCurriculum planningLong-term plan

A version of our RSE &

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