Learning objective

  • To identify feelings around money and discuss their impact.

Success criteria

  • I can describe how money-related scenarios

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Non-statutory guidance

The National curriculum

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Before the lesson

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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson

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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could describe some different experiences they have had with money using the Resource: Emotions word bank to help articulate their thoughts. Should circle emotions on the Resource: Emotions word bank that they think would be felt in a scenario and draw arrows to show how these may change in a continuum. 

Pupils working at greater depth

Should recognise and explain how a person may feel different emotions in some money scenarios; could consider the long-term impacts of money-related decisions on emotional well-being.

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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: identifying how they would feel

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Vocabulary definitions

  • continuum

    A line or range where a value changes gradually from one end to the other.

  • cope

    To manage feelings about money healthily.

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