Lesson 2: Rights and responsibilities

Exploring the links between rights and responsibilities.

Learning objective

  • To explore the links between rights and responsibilities.

Non-statutory guidance


Learning opportunities in Living in the Wider World

‘Pupils learn

L3. about the relationship between rights and responsibilities.


See: Programme of Study for PSHE education (KS1-5).


British Values: Individual liberty, Mutual respect

See: Kapow Primary: RSE & PSHE: Personal development, SMSC and British values mapping.


Success criteria

Cross-curricular links

Before the lesson

Attention grabber

Main event


Pupils needing extra support

May need an additional explanation of freedom of expression and some specific examples.


Pupils working at greater depth

Can be challenged to explain in more detail why there are some limitations on freedom of expression.

Wrapping up

Assessing pupils' progress and understanding


Created by:
Sarah Huggins,  
RSE & PSHE specialist
Sarah has over 20 years’ experience in education. Starting as a Primary teacher, Sarah then moved into an advisory role that covered both PSHE education and Citizenship. She delivers courses for teachers, as well as sessions for children and young…
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