Why did the Romans settle in Britain?

Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.

Lesson 1: Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?

  • To understand why the Romans invaded Britain.

Lesson 2: How did Britons respond to the Roman invasion?

  • To create a visual interpretation of Boudicca.

Lesson 3: Why was the Roman army so successful? (Part 1)

  • To understand how Roman soldiers were equipped for war.

Lesson 4: Why was the Roman army so successful? (Part 2)

  • To understand Roman army battle formations.

Lesson 5: What do artefacts tell us about life in Roman times?

  • To make inferences about life in Roman times.

Lesson 6: How did the Romans change modern Britain?

  • To identify the Roman legacy in Britain.

Key skills

  • Understanding that history is

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Key knowledge

  • To know that history

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Key vocabulary



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Unit resources

Assessment – History LKS2: Why did the Romans settle in Britain?

Assessment resources for this unit. Use

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Knowledge organiser

A visual summary document to consolidate

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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key

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Subject resources

Policy support

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History: Long-term plans

A standard and mixed-age version of

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National curriculum mapping

This document shows each of the

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History: Pupil progression of skills

Progression documents showing how skills and

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A downloadable spreadsheet to record teacher

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Equipment list

A list of essential and optional

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This document shows schools how Kapow's

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